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Connor's Corner

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Connor's Corner


Hi there!
We are participating in the Lidl Mudder 2022 for our much missed friend and classmate Connor. Last year, he battled a very aggressive form of leukemia and his bravery made us all so proud. Sadly in October, Connor passed away, just two days shy of his 9th birthday. We miss him greatly and are determined to make him proud too.

On 24th September, he is gonna watch over us and have the biggest smile on his face when we crawl through muddy rivers, climb over tough obstacles and get proper filthy! Connor's little brother and his friends will join us in this challenge. Our team is made up of 68 children from Hawes Down Primary School, and we are all in "Connor's Corner"!

Please support our mudder challenge and fundraising efforts by making a donation and posting a message of support. Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to Children with Cancer UK, our charity of choice.

Thanks so much for your support!

Connor's Corner 💙


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Activity Summary

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Children With Cancer UK

Children with Cancer UK is the leading national charity dedicated to specialist childhood cancer research. We fund life-saving research to determine the causes, find cures and develop better treatments for children and young people with cancer.We have raised over £290 million to date, which has funded over 300 research projects and many other vital services for young cancer patients.

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